CEASE Therapy

Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression, or CEASE is a ‘treatment’ offered by around 150 CEASE therapists in the UK. It claims to remove ‘toxic imprints’ caused by vaccines and other ‘toxic’ medicines and thereby ‘cure’ autism. CEASE therapists wrongly believe that autism is caused by vaccines and that the symptoms of autism can be cured with homeopathic treatments, dangerously-high-dosage Vitamin C, and dietary restriction. Many CEASE therapists spread extremely dangerous anti-vaccination misinformation. The treatment is popular with Naturopaths and Homeopaths. Of course, it is completely bogus, for one, autism spectrum is not a disease or condition needing a cure and none of the so-called treatments have any basis in medical science.The National Autistic Society have described CEASE therapy as “absolutely appalling”
In the UK, The Professional Standards Authority (PSA) have warned the Society of Homeopaths (SoH) about misleading claims made by CEASE proponents and action has been taken by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) against several practitioners. The PSA have a strong policy of taking action against anyone making any false claims or acting in ways that are detrimental to patients. Nevertheless, the PSA decided on April 1st to approve the Society of Homeopaths’ accreditation for a further year. And, following some recent negative publicity about CEASE therapy, the PSA “urged” the public only to choose practitioners from an accredited register - such as the Society of Homeopaths. However, this is not safe advice since the Society of Homeopaths includes some practitioners of CEASE therapy.
The Good Thinking Society (see fact of 3/2/19) has filed a Judicial Review claim, challenging the PSA's accreditation of the SoH. However the costs associated with a Judicial Review can be very high, and as a small charity, anything supporters can do to help with their legal fees will be greatly appreciated.Good Thinking’s action has drawn support from autism campaigners, such as Emma Dalmayne: “We as autistic people, are bombarded with the discriminatory rhetoric that we are in need of a cure. CEASE is not a cure for our neurological difference, and it is proven to be extremely harmful. The PSA should not endorse the Society of Homeopaths while their members offer this harmful therapy. The Society of Homeopaths are at present allowing their members to mislead the public, which in turn puts vulnerable autistic children in harm’s way.” - Go donate a few £ to help.