Electromagnetic hypersensitivity
WiFi or Radio Frequency Hypersensitivity is an increasingly claimed sensitivity to Electromagnetic fields (EMF). Usually claimants report various different reactions: tingling, heating, pain or other similar experiences, they also report a loss of sleep, headaches, rashes and aches when exposed to a device emitting EMFs in the radio-frequency range. However, there is no consistent symptom or symptoms common to all. Many such reported symptoms overlap with other syndromes such as Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance (the subject reacts in various non-specific ways to a substance most predominately when they are aware the substance is present).
Most blinded conscious provocation studies have failed to show a correlation between exposure and symptoms, leading to the suggestion that psychological mechanisms play a role. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is not an accepted diagnosis; medically there is no case definition or clinical practice guideline and there is no specific test to identify it, nor is there an agreed-upon definition with which to conduct clinical research.
Whatever the cause of symptoms attributed to EMH, there is no doubt that they can be debilitating and subjects must always be treated with understanding and with reference to the fact that there may be an underlying cause to their symptoms that is being masked by their unwarranted attribution to EMH. Come along to the Banshee Labyrinth tonight at 7:20, where Sean Slater will be discussing 5G mobile networks and whether they are dangerous.