New Year Predictions

Every New Year, psychics all around the world make their predictions about the coming year and crow about the 'amazingly accurate' predictions they made for the ending year. We thought we'd have a look back at some of the predictions made for 2019 and see what came true. 'Psychic to the Stars', Psychic Nikki made the eerily precise forecast that in 2019 there was “…going to be a lot of protests worldwide” and “the U.S. government will be one of the big stories.” “the stock market is going to be up and down.” Amazing how she figured that last prediction.
On Psychic Nikki's webpage she gives the 2020 predictions and lists the 2019 ones that came true. There are 69 she lists, for instance: Bush fires and wildfires in Australia, Protests in Washington DC, Raging hurricane in Florida, Lady Ga Ga's oscar win and the death of Doris Day. However, Nikki made 656 separate predictions for 2019, so by her own admission got just under 90% wrong. Her predictions included: an earthquake for the British Isles, as well as earthquakes for Scotland and London. She suggested London would have a heatwave and Australia would have record snow; and she predicted 'a bomb blast at Buckingham Palace', 'More UFO and Alien sightings worldwide', 'Earthquakes destroying parts of the Taj Mahal' and 'North Korea attacks South Korea'.
Most psychic yearly predictions are harmless generalisations that many likely treat with a pinch of salt but every year media outlets around the world give credence to psychic predictions, especially when they get a major hit like forecasting an unexpected death. At the beginning of 2009, the Skeptics Guide to the Universe podcast make psychic predictions for the coming year. They picked a list of celebrities that they thought may die in that year and most of the rogues chose someone in their elderly years. Rebecca Watson however chose Michael Jackson. Does this make her psychic? Of course not. By making lots of predictions, the odds are that some will come true and sometimes you can make enough specific predictions that one hits the jackpot.