Rendlesham Forest

The woods are in Suffolk between Orford Ness shingle spit and two USAF nuclear bases. The events happened on Christmas 1980, when UFO reports flooded in across SE England as a spectacular meteor shower was visible for three nights, along with a Russian satellite delivery rocket burning up on reentry. These lights caused the base defences to make checks of the area. A party entered the woods to the east to investigate a strange, pulsing, coloured light that they suspected might be a downed aircraft. It is their reports and that of the local police called in to help the search that formed the basis of the UFO scare.
The woods are in Suffolk between Orford Ness shingle spit and two USAF nuclear bases. The events happened on Christmas 1980, when UFO reports flooded in across SE England as a spectacular meteor shower was visible for three nights, along with a Russian satellite delivery rocket burning up on reentry. These lights caused the base defences to make checks of the area. A party entered the woods to the east to investigate a strange, pulsing, colored light that they suspected might be a downed aircraft. It is their reports and that of the local police called in to help the search that formed the basis of the UFO scare.
About 5 miles to the East is Orford Ness lighthouse which towers over the flat landscape and is visible for miles around. It is easily visible from the edges of the woods. This, along with the heightened security alerts could easily have been misidentified through the trees. For a detailed discussion of the event, there is a good website managed by Ian Redpath who says: “UFO hunters will continue to believe that an alien spaceship landed in Rendlesham Forest that night. But I know that the first sighting coincided with the burn-up in the atmosphere of an exceptionally bright meteor, and that the airmen who saw the flashing UFO between the pine trees were looking straight at the Orford Ness lighthouse.”