Richard Saunders

Today is Richard Saunders' Birthday. Or rather, for him it may already be yesterday that was his birthday, as Richard is the host and producer of the Australian Skeptic Zone podcast and (twice) former president of the Australian Skeptics. He founded Sydney Skeptics in the Pub and has represented the Australian Skeptics on television and radio shows.
Like many skeptics, Richard was inspired by watching James Randi, along with Carl Sagan's Cosmos series on TV. He joined the committee of the Australian Skeptics in 2001 and twice served as its president, later being granted life membership of the organisation. He has produced several videos and TV shows from a skeptical point of view, using demonstrations of water divining, spoon bending and fire-walking.
Richard has produced, hosted and edited the weekly Skeptic Zone podcast for over 10 years. Billed as "The Podcast from Australia for Science and Reason, it is now up to 580 episodes and has hosted the great and good of skepticism across the world. Including representatives of Edinburgh Skeptics! Happy birthday Richard Saunders. Maybe we can persuade you to come back to Edinburgh and visit us.